

전기모기채에 의한 생활용 스프레이 발화가능성 연구


A Study on the Possibility of Daily Fire Spray by Electric Mosquito Net

양재원, 김종현, 김보성, 류재민

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the last three years, 19 life-threatening spray fires and safety accidents have occurred. The most common type of damage was burns with seven cases, followed by six electric shocks, four fires and explosions, and two others. In May 2019, there was a home fire in our port fire station where two smoke inhalers were taken to the hospital for the same type of home fire. Most consumers are aware of this explosion damage only by being aware of the cautions and following the safety rules, and by fully aware of the precautions or the fact that an explosion can be caused by the use of household spray pesticides and electric mosquito nets. It was chosen as the theme of the 2020 conference in the mind that it can be reduced.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
1.3 최근 우리서 관내 스프레이 살충제 및 전기모기채 화재 사례
1.4 최근 인명피해발생 화재사례 등
2. 본론 : 전기모기채 시스템구성 및 실험결과 고찰
2.1 전기모기채(Electronic Mosquito Swatters)
2.2 재현실험
2.3 전기모기채 사용 시 안전수칙 준수사항
3. 결론 및 제언
3.1 재현실험 결론
3.2 제언


  • 양재원 Jae Won Yang. 항만소방서
  • 김종현 Jong Hyeon Kim. 항만소방서
  • 김보성 Bo Seong Kim. 항만소방서
  • 류재민 Jae Min Ryu. 항만소방서


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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