A Study on the Ignition Risk of Fume Occurrence of Chemicals in Small and Medium Plant by Recurrence Experiment
Fire recurrence experiments are conducted to investigate the causes of fire caused by the fumes of organic chemicals in small and medium-sized factories using volatile organic compounds (or organic solvents). Gas diffusion rates of volatile organic compounds are measured at temperature ~ 200°C. As a result, xylene is ignited in the fume generated above 180°C and ethyl acetate is ignited even at room temperature. The diffusion rate of the gas is increased rapidly as the temperature increases, so that the diffusion rate of the fire is increased exponentially when the temperature of the container and the surrounding of the organic solvent are increased. Measures should be taken by rapid cooling of the fire ignition point, blocking of air, and formation of an upper barrier film in the container containing organic compounds.
1. 서론
1.1 연구 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 설문 조사를 통한 인식도 분석
2.1 설문조사 개요
2.2 설문조사 결과분석
3. CASE별 재현실험
3.1 Case #1 에틸아세테이트(에틸초산) 취급 공장 화재 재현 실험
3.2 Case #2 켐록(Chemlok-6100) 화학물질 취급 공장 화재 재현 실험
4. 흄 발화 위험성 확대 요소 실험
4.1 온도에 따른 기체확산속도 실험
4.2 표면적에 따른 증발량 실험
4.3 실험결과 분석 및 발화위험성 평가
5. 결론 및 제언
5.1 결론
5.2 제언
감사의 글