

감정분석 시각화를 통한 소설과 영화의 비교 : 모비딕 중심으로


A Comparison of a Novel and the Novel-Based Film through the Visualization of Sentiment Analysis : Focusing on Moby Dick.

장세은, 이성화, 박호민, Mengjiao Suo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to compare the maritime novel ‘Moby Dick‘ with the novel based-film through the visualization of sentiment analysis using the VADER sentiment word-list. We use line charts as time visualization in the normalized positive and negative sentiment valence sum. The line charts show how the novel or its film has emotional ups and downs within each Act and across Acts in the accumulated sentiment valence. This study also re-examines the influence on Moby Dick that the Four Great Tragedies of Shakespeare such as Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth have had, which has long been discussed in the previous research, focusing on the comparison of the novel and its film to these tragedies. The results of this paper illustrate that the film can be distinctively compared with its original novel through time visualization of sentiment analysis within Acts and between Acts. It is also illustrated that the line chart of the novel ‘Moby Dick’ is similar to those of Othello and Hamlet, whereas the line chart of the film ‘Moby Dick’ released in 1998 is similar to those of King Lear and Macbeth. These results are expected to contribute to research and education of digital humanities and artificial intelligence for English literature as a solid case study, in the era of the 4th industrial revolution.


1. 서론
2. 선행연구와 예비적 논의
2.1. 소설과 영화의 감정분석
2.2. 각색
2.3. 소설 <모비딕>에 대한 셰익스피어 비극작품의 영향
3. 코퍼스와 방법론
3.1. 연구코퍼스 구축
4. 결과와 토론
4.1. 소설과 영화 <모비딕>의 감정 추이 비교
4.2. 셰익스피어의 비극작품 간의 감정 추이 비교
5. 결론


  • 장세은 Se-Eun Jhang. 한국해양대학교/교수
  • 이성화 Sunghwa Lee. 한국해양대학교/연구원
  • 박호민 Homin Park. 한국해양대학교/대학원생(박사과정)
  • Mengjiao Suo 한국해양대학교/대학원생(박사과정)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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