

대화 수신 술어와 그 보어절의 유형에 대한 소고 : 장거리 결속에서의 주어 지향성을 중심으로


A Study on Communicative Reception Predicates and their Complement Types : based on the Subject-orientation in Long Distance Binding.

강은지, 허세문

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to analyze the syntactic/semantic nature of communicative reception reporting, focusing on the predicate tut- ‘hear’ in Korean. Some literature remarks that when tut- selects a ko complement to represent an indirect speech act, the subject-orientation of long distance caki can be circumvented. However, little attention goes to the fact that when a kes complement is used instead, such obviation cannot occur. To explain this kind of tension, we propose that (i) in terms of logophority, it is an attitude holder that becomes a target of the subject-orientation, and (ii) unlike kes complements, ko complements should employ an additional hidden speaking component where an attitude holder is determined via an independently motivated pragmatic condition. Several related environments are compared to buttress these points; e.g., indexical shifts in Turkish, long distance ziji in Mandarin Chinese, and a hear-say reporting construction in Korean.


1. 서론 및 문제 제기
2. 주어 지향성에 대한 기존 논의와 문제점
3. 주어 지향성에 대한 새로운 관점: 장거리 결속 대용어의 특성과 명제태도 술어의 특성에 대한 재해석
3.1. 담화대용어(c)와 담화대용어의 구분과 그 함의
3.2. 담화대용과 명제태도 술어의 특성
4. 대화 수신 술어의 특성과 그 함의
4.1 Özyıldız et al. (2019)
4.2. 분석
5. 담화대용의 특성에 대한 재고찰
6. 결론 및 남은 문제


  • 강은지 Eunji Kang. 부산대학교/조교수
  • 허세문 Semoon Hoe. 부산대학교/박사후연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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