

Association between the Learning Styles with Personalities of Medical Students and Their Clinical Performance Examination Achievements



The aim of this study was to investigate the learning styles with personalities of medical students which may affect the efficiency of teaching-learning system of clinical education to determine the association with the clinical performance examination achievement of the students. The learning styles and personality traits of 147 students of medical college were investigated. The obtained data were analyzed by statistical analysis including independent t-test and correlation analysis. The results of the analyses are as follows: there was significant difference in the participation model in the different genders; of the personality traits, there was significant difference in self-transcendence in the different genders, whereas there was significant difference in the persistence for past failure experiences; and there was significant association between the 6 sub-learning models (Independent vs. Dependent, Collaborative vs. Competitive, and Participant vs. Avoidant learning styles) and the personality traits (Novelty Seeking, Harm Avoidance, Reward Dependence, Persistence, Self-directedness, Cooperativeness and Self-transcendence). In addition, the participant type of students had higher scholastic achievements in clinical performance, and the students who scored high in self-transcendence and persistence also had higher clinical performance. In conclusion, the student’s learning style and personalities affected the clinical scholastic performance. We believe that considering this current study, it would be possible to improve the quality of clinical education of medical teaching as well as helping medical students to choose career paths that are suitable for their personalities.


1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Research Subject
2.2. Research Tools:
2.3. Data Analysis and Statistical Processing:
3. Grades
3.1. General Characteristics of The Subjects:
3.2. Differences in Learning Styles by Gender and Academic Failure Experience:
3.3. Differences in Personality Traits by Gender and Failure Experience:
3.4. Correlation between Learning Styles and Personality Traits:
3.5. The Relationship between Learning Styles and Clinical Performance Examination Achievement:
3.6. The Relationship between Personality Traits and Clinical Performance Examination Achievement:
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Bae, Soo Jin Professor, Department of Nursing, Kyongbuk Science college, Korea
  • Hong, Sun Yeun Professor, Department of Nursing, Kyungwoon University, Korea


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