

Implementation of Real-time Integrated Platform for Producing Food Packaging Container



This study proposes a plan to construct an integrated platform that reduces manufacturing costs and efficiently produce by integrating the systems of main producers, production subcontractors, and raw material subcontractors for the production of food packaging containers. The production plan of food packaging containers and raw materials is established in real time between the main producers, production subcontractors, and raw material subcontractors in consideration of the demand characteristics of each product. It establishes basic information that all processes from the production planning stage to the forwarding stage of the product are linked to each other. The progress of each producer of interlinked processes is shared in real-time to improve productivity and quality of food packaging containers and raw materials and reduce manufacturing costs. By monitoring the system of the main producer and the production subcontractor in real time, the production of food packaging containers is performed in a timely manner, thereby improving productivity. The application of the plan-do-check-action (PDCA) process, which includes planning, execution, evaluation and improvement in the production operation processes of the main producer, production subcontractor and raw material subcontractor, enables improved production compliance rate. The contents of the main producers, production subcontractors, and raw material subcontractors are managed in real time, then a converged production management system is established through the platform proposed in this study to ensure timely supply and demand of raw materials without delay in ordering.


1. Introduction
2. Related Studies
2.1 Intelligent Production Management System
2.2 Enterprise Resource Management System
3. Implementation for System Linkage between Main Producer and Subcontractor
4. Conclusion


  • Chigon Kim Master, Dept. of Convergence Engineering, Hoseo Graduate School of Venture, Seoul, Korea
  • Jong-Youel Park Assistant Professor, Dept. of Smart IT, Baewha Women’s University, Korea
  • Dea-Woo Park Professor, Dept. of Convergence Engineering, HoseoGraduate School of Venture, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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