

A Study on the Influence of Organizational Culture and Authentic Leadership on Job Crafting



We study confirmed the factors influencing the organizational culture(collective culture, development culture, rational culture, hierarchical culture) perceived by members of the organization and the manager's authentic leadership(self-awareness, balanced information processing, relational transparency, internalized moral perspective) on job crafting. In addition, the relationship between organizational culture and authentic leadership was empirically analyzed. In order to verify the hypothesis of the research model, the survey results of 269 parts were verified as follows using the statistical program of SPSS 24.0. First, the organizational cultures perceived by members of the organization, development culture and rational culture, showed positive (+) influence on job crafting. In other words, Hypothesis 1 established by the research model was partially adopted. Second, the group culture, development culture, and rational culture of organizational culture were statistically significant in the relationship between the hypothesis 2 organizational culture and authentic leadership. In other words, Hypothesis 2 was partially adopted. Third, the three hypotheses of authentic leadership (self-awareness, balanced information processing, relational transparency, and an internalized moral perspective) all showed positive (+) effects on job crafting. As a result of this study, it was possible to confirm the importance of the organizational culture that improves the job-crafting of the members of the organization and the strategic activation plan for authentic leadership. Therefore, the necessity of strategic human resource development for the development and application of programs to revitalize organizational culture and improve the manager's authentic leadership has emerged.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Organizational Culture
2.2. Authentic Leadership
2.3. Job Crafting
3. Research Model and Hypothesis Setting
3.1 Research Model
3.2. Hypothesis Setting
3.3. Organizational Definition of Variables
4. Empirical Analysis
4.1. Sample Selection and Data Collection
4.2. General Characteristics
4.3. Analysis of validity and reliability of measurement tools
4.4. Hypothesis Verification


  • Moon Jun Kim Research Professor, KNU Corporate Management Institute, Kongju National University, Korea


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