

Comparison of Step Counting Methods according to the Internal Material Molding Methods for the Module of a Smart Shoe



Recently, studies on wearable devices in ubiquitous computing environments have increased and the technology collecting user’s activities to provide services has received great attention. We have compared the step counting methods according to sensor molding methods in case of counting steps by using the piezoelectric sensor. We have classified the cases which could result from the course of molding the internal module of a smart shoe as follows: (i) the module is unmolded, (ii) molded but only to the extent that a sensor is fixed or (iii) molded to the extent that a sensor is not moved. Moreover, we have made comparison to verify which algorithm should be used to increase the accuracy of counting steps by the respective cases. Based on the comparison result, we have confirmed that the accuracy of counting steps is higher when using gradient value rather than when using threshold value. In the case of no molding and small molding under the condition of using gradient value, it was turned out to be 100% accuracy for step counting.


1. Introduction
2. Relevant Studies
3. Comparison of Step Counting Methods
3.1. Unmolded Method
3.2. Molded Method
4. Comparison Results
5. Conclusion


  • Si-Woong Jang Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, DONG-EUI University, 614-701, Korea


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