

Secure Healthcare Management: Protecting Sensitive Information from Unauthorized Users



Recently, applications are increasing the importance of security for published documents. This paper deals with data-publishing where the publishers must state sensitive information that they need to protect. If a document containing such sensitive information is accidentally posted, users can use common-sense reasoning to infer unauthorized information. In recent studied of peer-to-peer databases, studies on the security of data of various unique groups are conducted. In this paper, we propose a security framework that fundamentally blocks user inference about sensitive information that may be leaked by XML constraints and prevents sensitive information from leaking from general user. The proposed framework protects sensitive information disclosed through encryption technology. Moreover, the proposed framework is query view security without any three types of XML constraints. As a result of the experiment, the proposed framework has mathematically proved a way to prevent leakage of user information through data inference more than the existing method.


1. Introduction
1.1 Data Inference by XML Constraints Figures
1.2 Three Types of XML Constraints
2. Related Works
3. Proposed Framework for Secure Data Management
3.1 Node Encryption Rules
3.2 Protected Subtree
4. Proof of Security
5. Conclusion


  • Hye-Kyeong Ko Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Sungkyul University, Korea


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