

Unipodal 2PAM NOMA without SIC: toward Super Ultra-Low Latency 6G



While the fifth generation (5G) and beyond 5G (B5G) mobile communication networks are being rolled over the globe, several world-wide companies have already started to prepare the sixth generation (6G). Such 6G mobile networks targets ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC). In this paper, we challenge to reduce the inherent latency of existing non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in 5G networks of massive connectivity. First, we propose the novel unipodal binary pulse amplitude modulation (2PAM) NOMA, especially without SIC, which greatly reduce the latency in existing NOMA. Then, the achievable data rates for the unipodal 2PAM NOMA are derived. It is shown that for unequal gain channels, the sum rate of the unipodal 2PAM NOMA is comparable to that of the standard 2PAM NOMA, whereas for equal gain channels, the sum rate of the unipodal 2PAM NOMA is superior to that of the standard 2PAM NOMA. In result, the unipodal 2PAM could be a promising modulation scheme for NOMA systems toward 6G.


1. Introduction
2. System and Channel Model
3. Review of Related Previous Works
4. Derivations of Achievable Data Rates for Unipodal 2PAM NOMA
5. Conclusion


  • Kyuhyuk Chung Professor, Department of Software Science, Dankook University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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