Teaching strategies for motivation for mathematics learning.
The purpose of this study is to find the motivational factors for mathematics learning and to explore specific teaching strategies. We first try to explain the need for motivation in learning, define what the motivation for mathematics learning is, and explain it. Based on this definition, we investigated what factors are driving the motivation for mathematics learning that affect the student's learning. As a result, we were able to find intrinsic and extrinsic motivations as factors of motivation for mathematical learning. The intrinsic motivation factors were interest and self-efficacy. And external motivation factors were external rewards. Finally, we describe a specific teaching strategy that can support interest, self-efficacy, and extrinsic rewards. Therefore, we hope that the specific strategies presented in the study will help teachers organize their math classes.
Ⅰ. 학습 동기의 필요성
Ⅱ. 수학 학습 동기의 의미
Ⅲ. 수학 학습 동기를 유발하는 요인
1. 내재적 동기의 요인
2. 외재적 동기의 요인
Ⅳ. 내재적 동기를 유발하는 교수 전략
1. 관심을 유발 및 유지하는 교수 전략
2. 긍정적인 자기효능감을 유발하는 교수 전략
Ⅴ. 외재적 동기를 유발하는 교수 전략
1. 외적 보상을 적절하게 사용하는 교수 전략
Ⅵ. 결론