

Restrictions on Property Rights: Benevolent Intent, Disruptive Outcome - The Conundrum of South Korea’s Chonse(전세) Reform


재산권에 대한 제한 : 선의가 초래한 혼란 - 전세 개혁의 난제

Yong-Shik Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article discusses South Korea’s recent property law reform (affecting “Chonse”) and its unintended impact on the housing market. Chonse is a unique and prevailing residential lease found only in South Korea. Under a Chonse contract, a lessee makes a one-time deposit with the lessor, the amount of which equates to a substantial portion of the property value; in exchange, the lessee is permitted to lease the property free of rent and reclaim the deposit on the expiration of the lease. This unique leasehold system has existed for several economic reasons. Recent developments render the future prospect of Chonse uncertain; housing costs have been rapidly increasing in South Korea, particularly in the City of Seoul, generating financial pressure on lessees. In response to this price hike, the South Korean government has undertaken controversial law reform that imposes a cap on annual rent increase, including Chonse deposit amount, and also mandates one-time renewal of residential lease for additional two years, in efforts to assist lessees and stabilize the housing market. This law reform, however, has caused unintended disruption in the housing market and a shortage of residential properties available for Chonse. The author has previously introduced Chonse in a co-authored article and examined its historical origin, legal elements, and future prospects. This article, building on the author’s previous work, analyzes the socioeconomic impact of Korea’s recent Chonse reform. The article adopts the “General Theory of Law and Development” and explains why the law reform has resulted in unintended outcomes. The article cautions against the (well-intended) attempt to restrict property rights resulting in disruptions in the housing market and increasing costs for Chonse lessees.


본 논문은 최근 전세 개혁이 주거 시장에 미친 영향에 관해 논의한다. 전세는 한국에 서만 발견되는 독특한 주택임대 제도이다. 전세계에서 찾아보기 힘든 독특한 제도인 전세는 몇가지 경제적인 이유로 인해 존속해 왔으나 최근의 여러 상황으로 인해 그 미래는 불투명하다. 최근 한국, 특히 서울에서의 주거 비용은 급속히 높아졌으며, 이로 인해 세입자들의 비용 부담이 가중되어 왔다. 이에 대응하여 한국 정부는 논란이 많은 법 개정을 통해 전세금을 포함한 세입자의 집세 증액에 관해 연간 일정한 상한선을 도입했으며, 주거 시장을 안정시키고 세입자들의 편의를 위해 1회에 한해 의무적으로 전세계약을 연장하도록 했다. 그러나 이러한 법제 개혁은 예기치 않은 주거 시장의 혼란과 전세 물량의 부족을 초래했다. 본 논문은 최근 전세 개혁의 사회경제적 영향을 분석하고, 최근에 수립된 “법개발학 일반이론”(General Theory of Law and Development)을 도입하여 전세에 관한 법제 개혁이 예상치 않은 결과를 초래한 이유 를 분석한다.


I. Introduction
II. Chonse Reform
III. Assessment of the Reform under the General Theory of Law and Development
IV. Benevolent Intent, Disruptive Outcome – Socioeconomic Considerations
V. Conclusion


  • Yong-Shik Lee 이용식. Director and Professorial Fellow of the Law and Development Institute, U.S.A.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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