

Traduction télécollaborative en contexte pandémique : le cas de la BD ivoirienne Aya de Yopougon cotraduite en coréen


Telecollaborative Translation in a Pandemic Context: The Case of the Ivorian Comic Strip Aya de Yopougon Co-translated into Korean

Guillaume Jeanmaire, Daeyoung KIM

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Like many of our colleagues, we have come to reconsider our methods as a result of the 2020 pandemic. It has also led us to rediscover the potential of telecollaboration solutions in translation programs. Among young students of different origins and languages, we sought to adjust our practices through oral online presentations, supplemented by written feedback from the class, on an open-editor. We thus optimized student engagement, eased by the distance and the synchronous mode of our video-conferencing courses. To captivate our audience, we chose an Ivorian comic book: "Aya de Yopougon." The graphics provided context that allowed our learners to better understand the plot, and it facilitated their access to cultural implications, which favored the co-translation of this comic. Collaborative written contributions have not only made it possible to bridge the distance between us, but also to increase solutions and fruitful creativity. During the confinement of the first semester, these written exchanges between pairs strengthened their engagement from afar. It was delicate to expect a sufficient level of Korean language from Mandarin-speaking students, and have them translate into Hangul (translation in B). Although the main focus of our class and of this article remains the translations conducted towards Korean language, thanks to our Chinese skills, we took the opportunity to translate that same comic work in Mandarin, in the prospect of a double commercial publication that really motivated them.


1. Probleˊmatique
2. Contraintes sanitaires du contexte pandeˊmique
3. Cadre theˊorique
3.1. Études antérieures
3.2. Difficultés inhérentes au support intersémiotique de la BD
4. Choix du texte source
4.1. Support graphique et registre de l’oralité
4.2. Support ivoirien
4.3. Particularités et atouts du français parlé ivoirien
5. Difficulteˊs et strateˊgies observeˊes
5.1. Traduction (télé)collaborative : exemples de multiples retoursécrits
5.2. Exemples de traductions erronées
5.3. Contraintes intersémiotiques de la BD
5.4. Registres de langue
5.5. Intertexualité
5.6. « Tutoiement » ou « Vouvoiement » ?
5.7. Toponymes, anthroponymes et appellatifs
5.8. Idiosyncrasies ivoiriennes
5.9. Ironie
6. Creˊativiteˊ et inventivite
7. Pour clore sans conclure


  • Guillaume Jeanmaire Korea University
  • Daeyoung KIM Chungbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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