

Research Article

A Study on the Color of Natural Solvent for the Red Color Reproduction of Safflower


Mi Young Lee, Koang Chul Wi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Safflower, a natural dye representing red, is the dye that materials and dyeing method are recorded in the literature, including materials and dyeing. Although the safflower is the same, the ash used as a mordant is recorded differently in each literature, which greatly affects the aesthetic perspective in realizing the traditional safflower red. Therefore, the optimal conditions for realizing the traditional safflower red were sought. The experiment was conducted by pH investigation, dyeing and color analysis by dyeing solution water, concentration, and temperature by ash, and the unique color of red was confirmed. A s a result of t he test, t he pH p oint o f time when t he uniq ue c olor w as e xpressed was 11.53 as goosefoot ash (natural bedrock water), which was 1:100 for concentration and 70°C for temperature, which was easier to extract red pigment than other ash, indicating that it is suitable for safflower dyeing. The analysis of the ash showed that K and Si play an important role in dyeing, especially Si, which is an element that inhibits carthamon. The color of red was similar to that of KS Standard vivid purplish red in the ash of the goosefoot, and the other ash was deep purplish pink. In the light of findings, it was possible to quantify the dyeing method through traditional materials and find the standard color of red color, and it is judged to be a basic data for studying the unique color of natural materials.


2.1. Test specimen
2.2. Test method
2.3. Element analysis of lye
3.1. Analysis of ingredients
3.2. Color analysis


  • Mi Young Lee Hanseo University Museum, Hanseo University, Seosan 31962, Korea
  • Koang Chul Wi Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation, Hanseo University, Seosan 31962, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1Effect of Extraction Solvents on Color of the Dyed Fabrics with Safflower Red Colorants

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