

Original Article

지역약국 약사에 의한 약물관련문제 중재 현황


Interventions for Drug Related Problems by Community Pharmacists

송문영, 원희재, 김시형, 이종우, 오푸름, 이형우, 김혜린

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



BACKGROUNDS Community pharmacists contribute to safe and effective drug treatment for patients by per-forming various prescription interventions through simultaneous drug utilization review (DUR) and checking patient medi-cation history. Our study aimed to analyze the interventions on drug-related problems (DRPs) by pharmacist from a community pharmacy. METHODS We obtained data for DRPs and the interventions by pharmacist which was recorded between 2019.7.22 and 2019.8.30 in working hours on weekdays at a community pharmacy located in Nowon-gu. Data was collected using a well-developed form ("Pharmacist Intervention on DRPs"). Data contained patient related factors, charac-teristics of prescription issuing institutions, DRPs, pharmacist interventions, intervention acceptance, and time required for intervention recording. RESULTS Pharmacist' intervention occurred 47 cases (1.04%) among the total 3,831 prescriptions during the study period. Men and women were 50% each, and the average age was 58.3 (±20.6, SD) years. The most com-mon types of DRPs were 'duplication (same drug)' of 53.2% (25 cases), and as for the pharmacist intervention, 'discon-tinue medication' was done most frequently as 48.9% (23 cases). In the drug efficacy groups, the musculoskeletal drugs were the most common with 33.3% (16 cases), followed by the alimentary tract and metabolism drugs with 16.7% (8 cases). The average time spent on intervention recording was 4.1 minutes (±4.0). CONCLUSION The current status of DRP and pharmacist interventions was identified through data from one community pharmacy collected through a system-atic record format. Intervention by community pharmacists plays an important role in the safe and effective utilization of treatment.




  • 송문영 Moon Young Song. 삼육대학교 약학대학
  • 원희재 Hee Jae Won. 삼육대학교 약학대학
  • 김시형 Si-Hyoung Kim. 삼육대학교 약학대학
  • 이종우 Jong Woo Lee. 삼육대학교 약학대학
  • 오푸름 Pu Reum Oh. 삼육대학교 약학대학
  • 이형우 Hyung Woo Lee. 새고운약국
  • 김혜린 Hye-Lin Kim. 삼육대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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