Pharmacy Education Status Since COVID 19 Outbreak : A Cross-Sectional Students Survey
BACKGROUND In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020, all students in the college of pharmacy have experienced online learning as the way of social distancing during one semester of partially. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study is to investigate current state of pharmacy education and to measure student satis-faction after COVID-19 outbreak. METHODS A cross-sectional survey was conducted to pharmacy students in South Korea via email or SNS. We used convenience sampling. A structured questionnaire was developed to ask for the online lectures, experiment classes, and pharmacy practice experiences. RESULTS A total of 434 students responded to the sur-vey. The satisfaction level of online lectures, experiment classes, and pharmacy practice experiences were 3.33(n=389), 3.32(n=238), and 3.22(n=97) out of 5, respectively. Students taking online lectures responded that it was difficult to focus on the class, and had to improve the way the class was conducted, technical problems, and the quality of the lecture. The satisfaction level of face-to-face experiment classes was higher than those of other type classes, and 61.2% of the students taking experiment classes preferred to face-to-face experiment classes. Students answered that they did not receive suffi-cient pharmacy practice experiences and protection for COVID-19 in pharmacies and hospitals. CONCLUSION The study has shown that universities and instructors have tried a variety of methods in education to combat COVID-19, and what students think about it. Further research and consideration are needed for the effective implementation of pharmacy educa-tion in the COVID-19 era, which is still ongoing.
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