

제3국 출생 북한 이탈주민 자녀의 정착지원방안 연구


A Study on the Settlement Support Plan for North Korean Escaped Children Born in Third Countries


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As a plan to support the settlement in the Republic of Korea of the children of North Korean defectors born in the third countries, this study aims to suggest that the children born in North Korea and those born in the third countries, such as China, should be equally supported by the settlement support policy so that the children of North Korean defectors who come to South Korea and those born in the third countries who enter South Korea can lead a smooth life in South Korea. The children born in the third countries, such as China, who enter the Republic of Korea, have a harder time settling in it than the children of North Korean defectors. The discrimination has been shown in the difference that the children born in North Korea and those born in the third countries, such as China, are recognized as the nationals of Korea in the Republic of Korea. Both the children born in North Korea and those born in the third countries, such as China, are the nationals of Korea according to the Nationality Act of the Republic of Korea. In accordance with the Nationality Act of the Republic of Korea, the children can take over the nationality of their parents. Therefore, even if children are born in the third countries, such as China, and are mother’s ones, they can exercise their rights as the nationals of Korea in accordance with Article 2 of the Nationality Act of the Republic of Korea. For the acquired acquisition of nationality, Para. 1 of Art. 3(Acknowledgement) of the Nationality Act of Republic of Korea states that if it is proved that those who are not the nationals of the Republic of Korea are acknowledged by their father or mother who is the national of the Republic of Korea, should be minors under the Civil Act of the Republic of Kore, and at the time of their birth, their father or mother should be the nationals of the Republic of Korea, the children who are born in the third countries such as China are the nationals of the Republic of Korea. Therefore, the children born in the third countries should receive settlement support in South Korea equivalent to those born in North Korea.


북한은 북한이탈주민을‘남한으로 가게 된 배경’과 ‘남한에서의 행위’를 기준으로, 도주한 반역자, 끌려간 사람들, 강제 억류 된 공민으로 분류한다. 이 중 도주한 반역자들이 국제적으로 북한체제에 부정적인 영향을 매우 강하게 미 치고 있기 때문에 이들을 비난하고, 남북대화를 중단하는 등 적대적으로 대응하 고 있다. 이에 반해 남한 정부에 의해 강제 억류되어 있는 북한이탈주민들에 대 해서는, 인도주의적 차원과 국제법적 차원에서 매우 공세적이고 적극적인 대응 을 하고 있다. 북한은 북한이탈주민들이 국내외 단체들과 협력하여 최고 수령 김정은과 체 제를 비난하고 물리적 파괴 행위에 나설 경우, 이를 체제 생존과 관계되는 상위 정치의 영역으로 인식하여 남한에 북한이탈주민 통제를 요구할 것이다. 만약에 남한 정부가 여기에 제대로 응하지 않을 경우, 북한은 남북대화를 중단하는 등 매우 공세적인 입장을 취할 것이다. 반면에, 북한이 강제 억류된 공민이라고 표 현하는 탈북 여종업원 문제는 경제, 인권과 같은 하위정치의 영역에 속하기 때 문에, 남한 언론과 일부 정부 부처가 ‘여종업원들이 자유의사에 의해 탈북한 것이 아니다’라는 여론을 조성하지 않는다면, 남북대화의 장애물로 작용하지 않을 것이다.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 북한 이탈주민 자녀현황과 복지지원현황
1. 북한 이탈주민 자녀현황
2. 중국 등 제3국 출생 청소년의 법제 지원현황
3. 중국 등 제3국 출생 청소년의 법제 지원현황
Ⅲ. 현행 국적법 상 대한민국 국적부여 방법
1. 선천적 국적부여 방법
2. 후천적 국적 부여 방법
Ⅵ. 개선방안
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 윤향희 YUN HYANGHEE. 공주교육대학교 다문화교육전공 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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