


Metadiscursive Nouns in Conclusion Subsections of Novice Writers’ PhD Dissertation and Expert Writers’ Research Articles


Wang Jin, Dong-Jin Shin

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Academic discourse is the product of agreement negotiation among members in academic communities. The primary rhetorical function of academic discourse is to persuade the readers into agreeing upon the writers’ claims. This rhetorical function can be embodied through textual linking and stance expressing realized by linguistic devices. Metadiscursive nouns, as an extension and supplementation of metadiscourse, combine these two functions and contribute to the cohesion of textual organization and the conveying of writers’ stance. This study explores the difference in the employment of this linguistic device in PhD dissertation written by Chinses advanced English learners as novice writers and research articles published in international journals written by expert writers in the field of foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. The purpose of this study is to reveal the different ways of knowledge construction by means of metadiscursive nouns in the two genres and the interactional conventions embedded in the academic communities. Explicit instruction strategies are provided to enhance the pedagogical practice in academic writing.


1. Introduction
2. Metadiscursive Nouns
3. Methodology
3.1. Data Collection
3.2. Data search and analytical procedures
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Cohesive function of metadiscursive nouns in conclusion
4.2. Metadiscursive Nouns in Conclusion Subsection in DCC and RAC
4.3. Wordlists of the Most Frequent Metadiscursive Nouns and Lexico-grammatical patterns in DDC and RAC
4.4. Pedagogical Implications in Academic Writing Classroom
5. Conclusion


  • Wang Jin Jeonju University / Ph.D candidate
  • Dong-Jin Shin Jeonju University / Assistant Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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