

Session 2 COVID-19 and TI

New Legal and Financial Realities in the COVID-Era and Their Effect in Translation



The activity of translators is proving key for the transmission of a large volume of information in the legal and financial fields that has been needed and is still required in many companies, governments, associations, etc. and in different languages very quickly so that citizens, communities, businessmen, clients, employees, public officials and authorities around the world can carry out activities of a daily nature. This information is collected in different textual realities such as company regulations, legislation, communications and administrative documents that are key due to the legal effects and consequences that they entail. What are exactly these new realities and how have they affected the work of financial and legal translators? Should this have an impact in the contents of our classes so as to make our students aware of these new realities? How should it be done? These are some of the questions we will answer during this presentation with the aim to provide an overview of the latest changes in the field of financial and legal translation due to this unprecedented situation that we have been facing for many months now. We will show different practical examples that will highlight some of the latest innovations in the field.


New legal and financial realities in the Covid-era: Administration
New legal and financial realities in the Covid-era: Regulations and reports
New legal and financial realities in the Covid-era: How to integrate them in the translation classroom


  • Elena Alcalde Peñalver University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain)

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