It is difficult to distinguish fingerprints found in a crime scene with the naked eye. So, the latent fingerprints development method was developed. And advanced methods are still developing these days. Reagents which react with fingerprint substances are usually used for the development of latent fingerprints. To evaluate a new reagent for the development of latent fingerprints, comparing with existing reagents are needed. However, conventional methods cannot generate fingerprints of the same type and cannot be applied to non-porous surfaces. In this study, a lipid component was added to an amino acid solution to develop an artificial fingerprint composition applicable to both porous and non-porous surfaces, and evaluated using real reagents.
I. 서론
II. 재료 및 방법
1. 시료 및 실험장비
2. 인공지문액 제조
3. 다공성 표면에서의 시약 및 적용
4. 비다공성 표면에서의 시약 및 적용
III. 실험 결과
1. 다공성 표면에서의 지문의 현출
2. 비다공성 표면에서의 지문의 현출
IV. 결론
V. 사사
VI. 참고문헌