


법독성학적 해석을 위한 메탄올 음독 사망 사례에서의 폼산 분석


Analysis of formic acid in fatal cases of methanol poisoning for forensic toxicological interpretation

최상길, 정수진, 장문희, 염혜선, 문성민, 김소현, 강민지, 양원경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Methanol is the simplest alcohol that is widely used as a precursor to other commodity chemicals, fuel for vehicles, solvent, and etc. Fatal cases were caused by intentional ingestion or accidental drinking, and accidental exposure happened by absorption through skin or respiratory tracts in workplace. Also, as methanol is known to be contained at the concentration of 50-350 mg/L in wine and 13-106 mg/L in distilled liquor, good care must be taken not to be intoxicated. Methanol is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and then metabolized to the toxic substances, formaldehyde and formic acid. In this study, formic acid was analyzed in blood samples from three fatalities due to drinking methanol using ion chromatography. The concentrations of formic acid in heart and peripheral bloods were 415-685 mg/L and 491-582 mg/L, respectively, and the formic acid levels from all the three cases were included within the lethal concentration range.


I. 서론
II. 재료 및 방법
1. 사망 사례
2. 시약 및 재료
3. 시료 전처리
4. 실험기기 및 조건
III. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결론
V. 참고문헌


  • 최상길 Sanggil Choe. 서울과학수사연구소 법독성화학과
  • 정수진 Sujin Jeong. 서울과학수사연구소 법독성화학과
  • 장문희 Moonhee Jang. 서울과학수사연구소 법독성화학과
  • 염혜선 Hyesun Yeom. 서울과학수사연구소 법독성화학과
  • 문성민 Sungmin Moon. 서울과학수사연구소 법독성화학과
  • 김소현 Sohyun Kim. 서울과학수사연구소 법독성화학과
  • 강민지 Minji Kang. 서울과학수사연구소 법독성화학과
  • 양원경 Wonkyung Yang. 서울과학수사연구소 법독성화학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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