

무위의 포즈와 응시의 갈망—19세기 영국 댄디의 사회학


Pose of Idleness and Longing for Gaze : The Sociology of Nineteenth-Century Dandy in England


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the social phenomena of dandy in nineteenth century England and aims to open a new perspective on dandyism. A dandy has been identified as an upper class young man who dedicated himself to improving his appearance and dandyism has been criticized as the philosophy of idleness. This paper argues that a dandy should not be regarded merely as a purely ornamental existence and dandyism not as a principle of displaying vanity. A dandy has to be repositioned as a resister against the reign of the bourgeois respectability and dandyism redefined as an opposition to the middle class ideology by the aristocracy. Nineteenth-Century England was dominated by the middle class ideology founded on the work ethics which stressed productive labor and on the gender norms which highly valued utilitarian masculinity. A dandy rejected the value of hard work by practicing the principle of idleness and subverted the gender ideology through making himself a spectacle and desiring other’s gazes. In dreaming of a return to the old system in which class hierarchy had been stable, dandyism was a regressive and anachronistic movement and doomed to failure.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 중간계급의 약진과 댄디즘의 반격
III. 노동의 거부와 무위/권태의 포즈
IV. 응시에 대한 갈망
V. 나가는 말


  • 계정민 Joengmeen Gye. 계명대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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