

일제강점기 전주지역의 화재발생과 전주소방조의 활동


Fire Outbreaks in Jeonju and Activities of the Jeonju Fire-Fighting Service during the Japanese Colonial Rule Period


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study speculated on fire outbreaks, organization and change of the fire fighting service in Jeonju during the Japanese colonial period, and investigated the activities and characteristics of the service. A fire-fighting service was organized to control fire by Japanese people living in Joseon after the opening of ports. Fire-fighting activities in Jeonju were actively performed when the Russo-Japanese War ended. The Japanese people selling sweets outside the West Gate organized a private fire-fighting team for their safety in 1907 and it was changed to' a public fire-fighting team when a big fire broke out in the West Gate in 1912. The Japanese Government General of Korea mobilized it against anti-Japanese demonstrations of Joseon people as an assistive organization for colonial control. However, the Jeonju Fire-Fighting Service made efforts to control fires that frequently broke out in Jeonju because of its spatial characteristic that Joseon people lived together with Japanese people. In accordance with the 1910 Eup Fortress clearance order, the Jeonju fortress wall was cleared, which was replaced by lots of Japanese stores. In addition, As roads were newly constructed in Jeonju and Gunsan and a railway was constructed connecting Jeonju to Iksan, Jeonju was equipped with street networks and transportation system. Public institutes including a postal office, police stations, and banks centering on Daejeongjeong, the aspect of fire outbreak was changed. In Japanese residences including Daejeongjeong and Gosajeong, fires broke out in Japanese-style buildings. However, in agricultural villages like Wansanjeong, Paldaljeong and Jochonmyon many Korean lived, fires frequently broke out. Many fires broke out in houses and stores while Korean people were cooking or heating their rooms. The Jeonju Fire-Fighting Service's activities or equipment purchase were supported by Korean wealthy people as many fires broke out because of Korean people. Their support made an influence on organization of the fire-fighting team, which induced Korean fire-fighters to join in the team. The Jeonbuk Fire-Fighting Maneuvers which was held in Jeonju Deokjin Park in 1935 was the largest fire-fighting training during the Japanese colonial period. It was an opportunity to inform the status of the Jeonju Fire-Fighting Service nationwide. Masmoto Fukuichi as a head of the Jeonju Fire-Fighting Service was appointed a representative of the Joseon Fire-Fighting Association. Fires that broke out in agricultural area of the Jeonju neighborhood were controled by the Jeonju Public Fire-Fighting Service. However, The fire-fighting team gradually replaced it. The fire-fighting teams were the background of the agricultural promotion policy led by governor Ogaki. Jeonbuk was a mine of fire-fighting teams as it was located in fertile plains. Fire-fighting teams were most actively organized in Jeonju. They were very active in fire control, agricultural reform and night watch.


본 논문은 일제강점기 전주지역의 화재발생과 소방조의 결성과 변천을 살펴보 고, 소방조의 활동과 특성을 정리한 것이다. 소방조는 화재를 진압하는 단체로써 개항 이후 재조 일본인들이 결성하였다. 전 주지역의 소방조 활동은 러일전쟁이 종결되면서 본격화되었다. 전주서문 밖에서 영업하던 일본인 과자상들이 자신들의 안전을 위하여 사설소방대를 결성하였다. 1912년 서문지역에 큰 화재가 발생하면서 사설소방대는 공설소방조로 변화되었다. 조선총독부는 소방조를 식민통치 보조기구로 활용하기 위하여 조선인들의 항일 시위진압에도 동원하였다. 그러나 전주소방조는 전주지역의 빈발하는 화재진압에 노력하였다. 그것은 조선인과 일본인의 雜居가 이루어진 전주지역의 공간적 특성 때문이었다. 1910년 ‘읍성철거령’에 따라 전주성벽이 철거되었다. 이에 따라 전주와 군산의 신작로가 만들어지고 전주-익산간 경편철도가 부설되면서 전주는 가로망이 완성되었다. 대정정을 중심으로 우편국, 경찰서등 공공기관이 들어서면서 화재발생도 빈 발하였다. 화재는 대정정, 고사정 등 일본인 거주지역은 물론 완산정ㆍ팔달정과 조 촌면 등 조선인 마을에서도 화재가 빈발하였다. 조선인들이 난방 및 음식을 조리하 면서 발생한 실화 때문에 주택 및 점포화재가 많았다. 조선인 가옥에서의 잦은 화 재발생으로 전주소방조의 소방장비 구입에는 조선인 자산가들의 기부가 있었다.1) 조선인 자산가들의 소방비 후원은 전주소방조에서 조선인의 구성비율을 높이는 계 기가 되었다. 전주 인근의 농촌지역의 다발한 화재는 전주공설소방조가 진압하였다. 그러나 간이소방조가 점차 농촌지역의 화재진압을 담당하였다. 간이소방조의 결성은 우가 키 총독의 시책인 ‘농촌진흥시책’이 배경이 되었다. 비옥한 평야지대에 위치한 전 북은 간이소방조의 보고(寶庫)였다. 전북지역에서 전주는 간이소방조의 설치가 가 장 활발한 곳이었다. 간이소방조는 화재진압에도 적극적인 역할을 담당하면서 농 촌개량 및 야간경비에도 활동하였다.


1. 머리말
2. 전주시가지 형성과 화재발생
3. 전주 소방조의 결성과 활동
4. 전주 간이소방조의 활동
5. 맺음말


  • 김상욱 Kim, Sang-Wook. 국립목포대학교 아시아문화연구소 연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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