

프랑스의 공공언어 정책 : 시민성과 언어권을 향하여


French administrative language policies and laws : endless quests towards civility and language rights


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



France has the particularity of having strong language laws tradition which have forced the exclusive use of the French language in all public documents including laws, bylaws, contracts, etc. since the 16th century. These laws have been often interpreted as a fruit of protectionism or purism of French language. However, from the beginning, French language laws stand for people who had difficulties in understanding public administrative message. The Ordonnance of Villers-Coterêt, The Speech of Barême during the Convention period, The Law Toubon, The French Enrichment Committee and finally, COSLA’s activities aimed that all public understand the law and administration so as to exercise their own civil rights. All French people has the right to understand and get knowledge through their own language, which is the foundation concept of Law Toubon. Nowadays the gap between administrative and general language is mainly caused by terminology. So the efforts against terminology-jargon, terminology-forexperts are another important pillar of French language policy. The French Enrichment Committee enforces to regulate difference between specialists and the public language so that all members of society can coherently use same nomenclature. And then came the COSLA which is a real organization dedicated for simplification of the administrative language, which can compare with Plain Language Campaign of U.K. The Vocalulary and the Guide to writing were elaborated to enhance the simplicity, clarity, logic, and human respects of administrative documents.


1. 문제 제기
2. 역사적 배경 : 언어와 시민권
2.1 ‘투봉법’ 이전
2.2 투봉법(프랑스어 사용법)과 프랑스어 풍부화 법령의 의의
3. 쉬운 공공언어 운동과 COSLA
3.1 <공공 용어집>(Le lexique des termes administratifs)
3.2 <공문서 작성을 위한 실용 지침서>(Guide pratique de la rédaction administrative)
4. 맺음말


  • 이현주 Hyunjoo LEE. 인천대학교, 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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