The purpose of the present study is to investigate apology strategies in commemorative speeches held by three Federal Presidents of Germany, i.e., Christian Wulff, Joachim Gauck and Frank-Walter Steinmeier. This study examined three different presidential speeches delivered in Poland in 2011, 2014 and 2019. The term ‘Gedenkrede’, which means in German ‘memorial speech’ has a special meaning in Germany. It is not a simple memorial speech, but a speech that commemorates victims of the Nazis’ atrocities and remembers Germany’s Nazi past. The analysis of the speeches showed several important things. First, they mainly consist of the following components: listing the specific facts of the crime, empathizing with psychological wounds, recognizing responsibility for the past, promise to prevent recurrence, call for participation and asking for forgiveness. These are important steps for a true apology. Second, the attitude toward Nazi past and Germany's responsibility for the past differ from President to President. Third, many think that commemorative speeches are expressive, but they are more commissive than expressive.
2. 독일의 과거사 청산 노력
2.1. 행위로서의 사과
2.2. 외교텍스트로서의 ‘추모연설(Gedenkrede)’
3. 사과의 언어, 화해의 언어
3.1. 사과의 시작: 범죄의 구체적 사실 열거하기
3.2. 심리적 상처에 공감하기
3.3. 과거사에 대한 책임 통감하기
3.4. 재발 방지 약속하기
3.5. 동참 호소하기
3.6. 용서 구하기
4. 결론