

“아학편(兒學編)” 영단어 발음의 한글 표기에 관한 소고


A Study of Hangeul Transcription of English Words Pronunciations in “Ahakpyeon”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article examines how English words pronunciations were transcribed into Hangeul (Korean letter) in Ahakpyeon, a multilingual lexicon which was originally written and compiled by Jeong Yakyong in circa 1804 and edited again by Ji Seokyeong & Jeon Yonggyu in 1908 with the addition of Korean, Japanese and English annotations for Hanja literacy education for children. It is revealed with many illustrations that English words pronunciations were transcribed into Hangeul in a systematic way that is based on close observation and profound understanding of both Korean and English phonetics and phonology: Firstly, broadly speaking, English voiced stops ‘b, d, g’ were transcribed into hapyong byeongseo ‘ㅅㅂ, ㅅㄷ, ㅅㄱ’, especially in word-initial position which were used for the so-called tense stops in Korean. This means that English ‘b, d, g’ were perceived and produced especially in word-initial position (sometimes erratically) as tense stops to Koreans. Secondly, English fricatives, most of which are not in Korean, were also transcribed into forms of hapyong byeongso again, but this time, as hapyong byeongseo in which o appears on the left side of the byeongso. Transcription of English liquids r and l into Korean is also achieved in a creative, witty and shrewd manner that makes use of positional variants of Korean liquid , that is, ‘으’ is epenthesized in front of a word-initial English ‘r’ but ‘을’ before Englis ‘l’.


1. 서론
2. 영어 문자의 한글 표기 기본 체제
2.1. 대한국문(大韓國文)의 표기 원칙
2.2. 영어 문자 및 발음의 표기 원칙
2.3. 자료 구축
3. 영어 자음의 한글(국문) 표기
3.1. 영어 파열음의 국문 표기
3.2. 영어 마찰음과 파찰음의 국문 표기
3.3. 영어 공명 자음의 한글(國文) 표기
4. 결론


  • 이석재 Seok-Chae Rhee. 연세대학교, 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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