

중국어와 한국어의 문장 부호 규정 비교 - 두호와 돈호 vs 쉼표


A Comparison of Punctuation Rules in Chinese and Korean; With Reference to dòu hào and dùn hào vs. its Korean Equivalent


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research puts the revised Korean and Chinese punctuation rules with reference to the comma in Chinese and Korean. As known, the core function of the Chinese and Korean commas refers to a short pause in sentences. In terms of the function and role of punctuation in written context, a wide range of recent research has paid attention to their disparities and similarities between the two languages. In the educational context, accuracy and understanding of puncutation rules should be educated, for they can represent different semantic changes depending on the context. With regard to the use of punctuation in context, regulations concerning punctuation have recently been amended. Chinese punctuation rules are recently revised in 2011: "General Rules for Function" (GB/T 15834 2011) and the Simplified Chinese, and "Hangul Matchumbeop" in 2017. The research puts forth that the similarities and disparities between the two languages should be increasingly studied, since Korean Chinese learners often make punctuational mistakes in their written works. Conclusively, Chinese learners should clearly understand the accurate function and usage of punctuation, paying attention to semantic differences in written context.


1. 머리말
2. 선행연구
3. 중국과 한국의 현행 문장 부호 규정
4. 두호와 돈호 대 쉼표
4.1. 두호와 쉼표의 비교
4.2. 돈호와 쉼표의 비교
4.3. 한국어 쉼표에만 있는 기능
5. 맺음말


  • 김미경 Mikyung Kim. 부산외국어대학교, 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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