

故허수경의 글로벌 블루스 시와 목은 이색의 범세계주의 시가(詩歌)


Huh Sukyung’s Global Blues Poetry and Mokeun Yi Saek’s Cosmopolitan Lyrical Verse


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper speculates the cultural continuum between the late contemporary poet Huh Sukyung’s idea of ‘Nothing Between Man and Men’ and a Goryeo-Korean scholar-poet Mokeun Yi Saek’s neo-confucian idea of ‘Nothing Between Heaven and Man.’ In the process, this paper attempts to illuminate how Yi Saek, developing his original metaphysics of the Principle of the Heaven and the relationship between the Heaven, Man, and Nature, could make a distinction of Goryeo-Korean poetic sensibility from Su Dongpo’s. Secondly, this paper points out the fact that Yi Saek’s metaphysics was succeeded to Joh Shik and help him develop a derivative metaphysics, called ‘Super-fusion of All into One,’ which subsequently nurtured Huh’s idea of ‘Nothing Between Man and Men.’ Lastly, it examines how Huh embodies Yi Saek’s poetic sensibility in her blues poems. By hyper-connecting two poets beyond the time and the space, this paper sheds a light on the cosmopolitan spirit in Korean cultural history which keeps driving creative minds to connect the peripheral to the center and the local to the global.


I. 서론
II. 이색의 천인무간 사상과 범세계주의 노래
III. 허수경의 인인무간(人人無間) 사상과 글로벌 블루스 시
IV. 결론


  • 한지희 Jihee Han. 국립경상대학교, 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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