

논문 발표

20대 여성의 생활습관 및 세안제 사용이 안면 피부에 미치는 영향


Effects of lifestyle habits and facial cleanser use of women in their twenties on facial skin

김수현, 박지원, 이도연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, a study was conducted on the effects of women in their 20s' lifestyle and the use of cleansers on facial skin. Looking at facial skin conditions, dry skin was the highest at 31.5%, and cleansing oil and cleansing water were the highest. Water temperature during washing was the highest at 69.5 percent in lukewarm water. The change in cosmetics based on cleaning power, reasonable price, and seasonality was higher with excellent cleaning power and reasonable price, and other "no" with 66.3%, 82.8%, and 71.4%, respectively, while white/blackhead was higher with 83.7% and 85.7%, respectively. 79.7 percent said they were not satisfied with their skin condition among those who washed their face twice, while 51.9 percent said they were satisfied with their skin condition among those who did not. The result concluded that the majority of people who do double-washing are not satisfied with their skin condition. Also, 47.2 percent of the respondents said they would not be able to remove pores. When the above results examined the lifestyle of women in their 20s, most female college students were fully aware of the need for lifestyle management that affected skin health. However, there was a lack of awareness in the use of cleansers and washing methods. Through this study, we looked at the lifestyle and the effect of using eyewash on facial skin of women in their 20s. Through this study, we found that women are becoming more interested in double cleansing and deep cleansing. It is important for women to have the right perception to choose an effective cleanser depending on their skin type and skin condition, and we hope that various types of cleansing products will be released in the future.


Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
2.1. 피부유형별 타입
2.2. 클렌징
2.3 생활습관
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
1. 연구 대상 및 기간
2. 자료 분석 방법
Ⅳ. 연구 결과
1. 20대 여성의 피부상태 및 세안제 사용
2. 클렌징제품 만족이유에 따른 피부상태의 차이
3. 이중세안 유무에 따른 피부상태의 차이
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김수현 Su-Hyeon Kim. 동남보건대학교 피부미용과
  • 박지원 Ji-Won Park. 동남보건대학교 피부미용과, 학생
  • 이도연 Do-Yeon Lee. 동남보건대학교 피부미용과, 학생


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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