



A Study on the ACG Culture in Contemporary Japan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, in Japan’s ACG(Animation, Comics, Game) culture, modern Japanese literary figures have become popular as characters in the context of a new fiction called secondary creations. The animation Bungo Stray Dogs, the game Bungo & Archemist, and the comics It can’t bark at the Moon are typical examples, while Japan’s publishing market is flooded with books introducing anecdotes and quotations of modern literary figures, which is a literary boom. In this paper, five representative popular works were introduced for such literary works that have currently been leading literature itself in Japan. In addition, I considered the characteristics of the ACG literary works that transformed modern great writers into characters in three aspects. First, the aspects of raising interest in reading modern literature, secondly, the tendency to be centered on writers rather than works, and third, the importance of balance in which the degree of deformation of the character and probability based on facts should be secured at the same time. Despite the danger of globalization of Japanese literature being reflected dangerously or the risk of alienating works due to the writer-centeredness, I think such ACG culture is a field that has a lot of room to be revealed in literary research in the future.


1. 現代日本の文豪ブーム現象
2. 文豪物ブームの背景と先行研究
3. 現代における代表的なACG文豪物
3.1 『『坊っちゃん』の時代』
3.2 『啄木鳥探偵処』
3.3 『月に吠えらんねえ』
3.4 『文豪とアルケミスト』
3.5 『文豪ストレイドッグス』
4. ACG文豪物の特徴的な様相
5. 文豪物の限界と展望


  • 嚴仁卿 엄인경. 高麗大学校 グローバル日本研究院 教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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