

잠재의미분석방법을 통한 학교보건 연구동향 분석


Trend Analysis of School Health Research using Latent Semantic Analysis

신선희, 박윤주

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the trends in school health research in Korea using probabilistic latent semantic analysis. The study longitudinally analyzed the abstracts of the papers published in 「The Journal of the Korean Society of School Health」 over the recent 17 years, which is between 2004 and August 2020. By classifying all the papers according to the topics identified through the analysis, it was possible to see how the distribution of the topics has changed over years. Based on the results, implications for school health research and educational uses of latent semantic analysis were suggested. Methods: This study investigated the research trends by longitudinally analyzing journal abstracts using latent dirichlet allocation (LDA), a type of LSA. The abstracts in 「The Journal of the Korean Society of School Health」 published from 2004 to August 2020 were used for the analysis. Results: A total of 34 latent topics were identified by LDA. Six topics, which were「Adolescent depression and suicide prevention」, 「Students’ knowledge, attitudes, & behaviors」, 「Effective self-esteem program through depression interventions」, 「Factors of students’ stress」, 「Intervention program to prevent adolescent risky behaviors」, and 「Sex education curriculum, and teacher」were most frequently covered by the journal. Each of them was dealt with in at least 20 papers. The topics related to 「Intervention program to prevent adolescent risky behaviors」, 「Effective self-esteem program through depression interventions」, and 「Preventive vaccination and factors of effective vaccination」 appeared repeatedly over the most recent 5 years. Conclusion: This study introduced an AI-powered analysis method that enables data-centered objective text analysis without human intervention. Based on the results, implications for school health research were presented, and various uses of latent semantic analysis (LSA) in educational research were suggested.


1. 연구의 필요성
1. 잠재의미분석 모형의 이론과 활용
2. 데이터와 분석 도구
1. 연구결과1
2. 연구결과2
3. 연구결과3


  • 신선희 Seon-Hi Shin. 한국교원대학교 교육정책전문대학원 겸임교수
  • 박윤주 Youn-Ju Park. 한국교원대학교 교육정책전문대학원 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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