

Culture Convergence (CC)

Relationship between University students’ Marriage View and Quality of Life




This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study that analyzed the effect of quality of life on marriage views in college students. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between quality of life and marriage view. The study targets were 195 male and female university students aged between 20 and 25. The data collection was done only by those who voluntarily agreed to the study using online questionnaires, and the data collection period was from October 1 to October 30, 2020. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 18.0 for frequency analysis, χ2 analysis, Pearson correction, t-test, and simple regression analysis. The result of the study that men had higher conservative marriage view (M=3.22, SD=.716) than women (M=2.21, SD=.903, p<0.01), women had higher active marriages (M=3.94, SD=.955) than men (M=3.41, SD=.933, p<0.01), and women had higher exclusive marriage views (M=3.94, SD=.955) than men (M=3.41, SD=.933, p<0.01). And people with high quality of life positively influenced romantic marriage view (R2=.029, p<0.05), but negatively affected passive marriage view (R2=.029, p<0.05) and conservative marriage view (R2=.034, p<0.05). Based on the results of this study, a program is needed to create a positive marriage view for the married age group, create an environment for married people to positively engage in social and economic activities, and propose a program for creating healthy family relationships.


2.1 The purpose of research
2.2 Research tools
3.1. General Characteristics
3.2 Correlation between Marriage Value and Quality of Life
3.3. Friends of opposite sex by age
3.4. Gender-specific Differences in Marriage View
3.5. The Influence of Quality of Life on Marriage View
4. Conclusion


  • Jungae Kim Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Chodang University, Korea
  • Euiyoung Cho Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Paichai University, Korea


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