

Culture Convergence (CC)

Balancing a seesaw with reinforcement learning



A propeller-based seesaw system is a system that can represent one of axis of four propeller drones and its stabilization has been replaced by intelligent control system instead of often used control methods such as PID and state space. Today, robots are increasingly use machine learning methods to adapt to their environment and learn to perform the right actions. In this article, we propose a Q-learning-based approach to control the stability of a seesaw system with a propeller. From the experimental results that it is possible to fully learn the balance control of a seesaw system by correctly defining the state of the system, the actions to be performed, and the reward functions. Our proposed method solves the seesaw stabilization.


1. Introduction
2. Reinforcement learning method
3. Implementing reinforcement learning to the model
4. Test results
5. Conclusion


  • Ts.Tengis Mongolian University of Science and Technology, School of Information and Communication Technology
  • L. Uurtsaikh Mongolian University of Science and Technology, School of Information and Communication Technology
  • A. Batminkh Mongolian University of Science and Technology, School of Information and Communication Technology


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