

Culture Convergence (CC)

Museum Gamification Design using Story Elements



Currently, Korean museums use gamification in addition to various viewing methods, such as video and VR/AR. However, museums using museum gamification are still progressing to a special program level. The purpose of this paper is to make the contents of the museum easy to understand and to give the viewers fun. This paper goes beyond the existing museum gamification and proposes a museum story gamification that combines story elements with gamification. This proposal system collects information from each museum in cooperation with museums, art galleries, and exhibition halls and proceeds with related story games. Museum Story Gamification provides related stories according to the theme of the museum and allows viewers to select their own stories. Also, based on the story, you can directly select the difficulty level that suits you and play a personalized game. Unlike the general museum program, the methodology proposed in this paper allows visitors to experience the museum with various story contents. In addition, it will contribute to the development and implementation of programs with gamification in other tourism fields as well as museums.


1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Gamification MDA+
4. Proposal System
4.1 System Overview
4.2 System Story Algorism
5. Application example
6. Conclusion
7. Reference


  • Se-Won Jeon Kwangwoon University, Graduate School of Smart Convergence, Institute of Tourism Industry, Graduated, Seoul, Korea
  • Gihwan Ryu Kwangwoon University, Graduate School of Smart Convergence, Institute of Tourism Industry, Professor , Seoul, Korea
  • Seok-Jae Moon Kwangwoon University, Institute of Information Technology, Professor, Seoul, Korea


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