

Finding a plan to improve recognition rate using classification analysis




With the emergence of the 4th Industrial Revolution, core technologies that will lead the 4th Industrial Revolution such as AI (artificial intelligence), big data, and Internet of Things (IOT) are also at the center of the topic of the general public. In particular, there is a growing trend of attempts to present future visions by discovering new models by using them for big data analysis based on data collected in a specific field, and inferring and predicting new values with the models. In order to obtain the reliability and sophistication of statistics as a result of big data analysis, it is necessary to analyze the meaning of each variable, the correlation between the variables, and multicollinearity. If the data is classified differently from the hypothesis test from the beginning, even if the analysis is performed well, unreliable results will be obtained. In other words, prior to big data analysis, it is necessary to ensure that data is well classified according to the purpose of analysis. Therefore, in this study, data is classified using a decision tree technique and a random forest technique among classification analysis, which is a machine learning technique that implements AI technology. And by evaluating the degree of classification of the data, we try to find a way to improve the classification and analysis rate of the data.


1. Introduction
2. Definition of classification analysis
2.1 Machine Learning Technique
2.2 Decision Tree
2.3 Random Forest
3. Classification Analysis Experiment
3.1 Subject and Method of Experiment
3.2 Classification Analysis using Decision Tree
3.3 Classification Analysis using Random Forest
4. Conclusion


  • SeungJae Kim Assistant Professor, Department of Convergence Honam University, Korea
  • SungHwan Kim Research professor, College of IT convergence engineering and SW Center University Business unit, Chosun University, Korea


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