

Design for AEBS Test Scenario Applying Domestic Traffic Accidents



This study is a study on the development of AEBS test scenarios for traffic accidents in Korea, and was compared and analyzed using the Traffic Accident Analysis Program. To ensure the safety of passengers and pedestrians in traffic accidents, the number of cars equipped with ADAS is increasing rapidly at all car manufacturers in each country. For traffic accidents used in this study, the domestic traffic accident database (ACCC) produced by SAMSONG was used. Domestic traffic accidents differ from overseas traffic accidents in terms of road type, signal system, driver's seat location and number of vehicles. ACCC databases, which supplemented and reinforced these differences, built a database based on the PC-CRASH program. In the study, we analyze the types of accidents to develop comparative scenarios for each type of road and collision type of traffic accidents. When the road types of traffic accidents in Korea were divided into five types and the collision types were divided into six, it was confirmed that the most types of FRONT-SIDE crashes appeared at the intersection. It is expected that the frequency of possible traffic accidents and collision types can be predicted according to the road type in the accident database, we that it can be used as an AEBS test scenario development suitable for the domestic road environment.


1. Introduction
2. Database and Interpretation
2.1 Traffic Accident Database Construction
2.2 Vehicle Crash Mechanics
2.3 Database Classification
2.4 Classification of Domestic Traffic Accident Types
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusion


  • Yong-Soon Choi Senior Researcher, Gachon-Samsong Automotive Research Center, Korea
  • Jong-Han Lim Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Gachon University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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