

Regular Article

Fuel Management in Ghana’s Tropical Forests: Implications on Implementation Cost, Fuel Loading and Fire Behaviour



Fuel management can play enormous role in fire management in tropical dry forests. However, unlike the temperate forests, knowledge on implications of different fuel management methods in tropical forests is often inadequate. In this study, the implications of prescribed burning and hand thinning treatments on implementation cost, fuel loading and post-treatment fire behaviour were tested and compared in degraded forests and teak plantations in two forest reserves of different levels of dryness in Ghana. The study found that prescribed burning was less expensive (62.02 US Dollars ha-1) than hand thinning (95.37 US Dollars ha-1). The study also indicated that the two fuel management methods were able to reduce fuel loading in degraded forests and teak plantations. However, prescribed burning was more effective in reducing fuel loading than hand thinning. While the relative change of fuel reduction was 13% higher in prescribed burning than the hand thinning in degraded forest, it was 41% higher in prescribed burning than hand thinning in teak plantations. The fire behaviour of post-treatment experimental fire was also lower in prescribed burning than the hand thinning and control plots. Fuel management, therefore, has a great potential in fire management in degraded forests and teak plantations in Ghana.


Materials and Methods
Study area
Study methods
Cost of treatment
Prescribed burning conditions and behaviour
Fuel reduction after treatment
Fuel reduction after post-treatment experimental wildfire
Post-treatment experimental wildfire conditions and behaviour
Cost of fuel treatment
Prescribed burning conditions and fire behaviour
Fuel reduction after treatments
Fuel reduction after post-treatment experimental fire
Post-treatment experimental fire conditions andbe haviour
Limitations of research results


  • Victor Rex Barnes Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Private Mail Bag, Kumasi 2333220, Ghana
  • Mike D. Swaine School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3UU, UK
  • Michelle A. Pinard School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3UU, UK
  • Boateng Kyereh Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Private Mail Bag, Kumasi 2333220, Ghana


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