


승용차량 연비측정과 유해배출가스 절감을 위한 기초연구


Basic Research of Measurement Fuel Economy and Reducing Harmful Emissions for Passenger Car

김부기, 김준호, 김홍렬

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is a basic study to improve fuel economy and reduce harmful emissions from passenger cars. This study is a basic study to evaluate the performance of fuel oil additives. The performance may vary depending on the type of engine, the region of use, and the driving habits of the user. Therefore, there are many difficulties in carrying out the test analysis by the objective experimental method while maintaining the same conditions. Therefore, this study intends to examine in terms of securing objectivity as a comparative study by the measurement of single user for a long time. As a result, in the case of cars using gasoline engines, the fuel economy tended to a little decrease as the distance-age increased. However, in the analysis of diesel vehicles by year, it increased gradually after the 5th year and the distance-age of 60,000km. And a comparison of the last three years, an increase of about 3.1% from 12.44km /ℓ to 12.82km /ℓ.


1. 서론
2. 배출가스의 현황 및 문제점
2.1 배출가스 현황
2.2 문제점
3. 연구의 내용 및 고찰
3.1 첨가제의 역할 및 평가
3.2 연료유 첨가제의 개발동향
3.3 실험 및 고찰
4. 결론


  • 김부기 Bu-Gi Kim. Division of Marine Mechatronics, Mokpo National Maritime University
  • 김준호 Jun-Ho Kim. Division of Marine Mechatronics, Mokpo National Maritime University
  • 김홍렬 Hong-Ryeol Kim. Division of Cadet Training, Mokpo National Maritime University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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