

<Special Features 1 : Narrative, Contemporary Art, Critical Thinking>

The Fairness of the News Frame in Public Broadcasting Systems after Candlelight Revolution : Focusing on the reports of public broadcasting systems like MBC regarding ‘collusion between prosecution and media’


Moon-hwan, Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



From April 1st to April 6th, public broadcasting systems including MBC, KBS, and TBS continued to cover the news in the frame of ‘collusion between prosecution and media’. I analyzed the news frame in 4 research questions (RQ). RQ 1. Was the news frame accurate? RQ 2. Was the news frame balanced? RQ 3. Was the news frame impartial? RQ 4. “Who benefits (cui bono) from the news frame? As a result of the analysis, the news frame of ‘collusion between prosecution and media’ in public broadcasting systems' wasn't ‘accurate’, ‘balanced’, and ‘impartial’. The news frame was for the benefit of the ruling powers. Even in the Moon Jae-in government Launched after the 2016 Candlelight Revolution, the pro-government reporting behavior of public broadcasting systems has not changed.


Ⅰ. Research Purpose
Ⅱ. Review of literature and Research Question
Discussion about fairness and research question
Research Method
Ⅲ. Results
Research Question 1. Was the news frame, ‘collusion between prosecution and media’, in public broadcasting systems accurate?
Research Question 2. Was the news frame, ‘collusion between prosecution and media’, in public broadcasting systems balanced?
Research Question 3: Was the news frame, ‘collusion between prosecution and media’, in public broadcasting systems impartial?
Research Question 4. “Who benefits (cui bono) from the news frame, ‘collusion between prosecution and media’, in public broadcasting systems?”
Ⅳ. Conclusion and Implications


  • Moon-hwan, Kim Writer and Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Korea University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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