A Study to improve old water supply facilities in Airforce Base through the Smart Water management vs WASCO Project
The purpose of this study is to analyze outcome of the project to improve old water supply facilities in Airforce Base to improve water revenue rate. To achieve the objective of this study, First, literature review is conducted to clearly define the concept of water revenue rate improve project. Second, WASCO project on 2 Airforce base review and smart water management pilot project on 1 Airforce base is conducted. Third, economical analysis of project is conducted to examine the outcome. As a result, WASCO and smart water management pilot project on Airforce base was effective to improve water revenue rate. Finally, the improvements were suggested after investigating the key factors on water revenue rate improve project. In the future, this study will be used as a baseline for developing water revenue rate improve project.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 유수율의 정의
2.2 국내 지자체의 상수도 유수율 개선 연구
2.3 국방부의 유수율 관리
3. WASCO사업 및 결과분석
3.1 부대별 현황 조사 및 사업 대상 선정
3.2 J비행단/M사령부 WASCO 사업결과
3.3 N사관학교 스마트 물관리 시범사업결과
4. 분석 및 대응방안
4.1 비용 대 편익 분석
4.2 연구의 시사점
4.3 군 적용 스마트 물관리 시스템 도입
5. 결론 및 향후연구과제
6. References