


NCS기반 학력-경력-자격 연계 및 활용 방안 관한 연구


A Study on Education-Career-Qualification Link and Utilization

최성희, 박재현, 양광모

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The National Competency Standards(NCS) has been developed a good curriculum to reflect the demand in the industry. NCS is defined as systemizing the knowledge, skill, and attitude required to perform a task in the industry. It is an effort to reduce the gap between educational requirements and occupational requirements. However, when NCS is applied, the task level is changed to the title of qualification according to the policy outcomes for the government project. And, the NCS has been emphasizing the purpose of license acquisition, rather than using the standard for tasks in the industry. It means that the misuse of NSC hinders utilizing it as the original purpose of standardizing a task. It requires the customer to study the required competency unit with a no-choice option. Moreover, it makes it hard for companies or industry autonomically run the NCS. Therefore, we define the operational range in terms of the education field, the qualification field, and the career field to diffuse and apply NCS, and suggest the effective utilization method.


1. 서론
2. 분야별 현재 NCS의 활용범주의 한계
2.1 교육분야
2.2 자격분야
2.3 경력분야
3. NCS기반 학력-자격-경력의 연계 MAP
4. NCS의 활용 방안
4.1 NCS기반 학력-자격-경력 수준의 확산연계
4.2 NCS기반 평생능력개발 경로 및 임금체계연계
5. 결론 및 향후연구과제
6. References


  • 최성희 Sung-Hee Choi. 명지전문대학
  • 박재현 Jae-Hyeon Park. 한국산업인력공단
  • 양광모 Kwang-Mo Yang. 유한대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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