

Autonomous Multi Drone Based Border Security Using Image Processing With 5G Technology


Abinash Dutta

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Today, there is a developing requirement for observation so as to keep up the dignity at a spot and guarantee the wellbeing and security of its kin. An airborne observation framework will be advantageous in such a manner. This paper depicts how an ethereal reconnaissance framework can be assembled utilizing an unmanned flying vehicle or an automaton. We start by depicting the highlights of our ethereal observation framework and afterward talk about a portion of the advances that we have utilized in building it. From that point onward, we notice how we have consolidated those innovations into an automaton and have made them cooperate amicably so as to accomplish our goal. This goal will be achieved with the help of cloud services and cellular service using 5G technology. It tends to be utilized in peacekeeping exercises and furthermore constant observing of a spot whenever of the day. The point is to give quick and productive reconnaissance at a moderate rate with the goal that it tends to be utilized broadly at the private, institutional and administrative levels.


1. Introduction
2. Working Concept
2.1 Step-1(Drone Setup)
2.2 Step-2 (Control Centre Integration)
3. Measurements
4. Conclusion


  • Abinash Dutta Department of Computer Science, Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai, UAE


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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