


일제강점기 서일본 지역신문과 부산 표상 - 『관문매석신문』의 조선 <지역판>을 중심으로 -


Local Newspaper of the Western Japan and Representation of Busan in the Japanese Colonial Era - Focusing on the Joseon <Regional Edition> of 『Gwanmun Maeseok Newspaper』 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis aimed to consider the everyday life history that has been omitted from the existing criticism of imperialism, by newly understanding a colonized-marine city Busan and the ‘western Japan’ as the spaces where the human, material, and cultural relations were flexibly and mutually interchanged. Especially, through the analysis on the Joseon and the bibliographic information of 『Gwanmun Maeseok Newspaper』 published in the western Japan and then distributed to Busan Gyeongnam region, this thesis examined the Busan cafe culture as modernism of the 1930s. In the results, the 『Gwanmun Maeseok Newspaper』 was distributed to colonized Joseon as an appendix of 『Fukuoka Daily Newspaper』 which was the biggest daily newspaper in Kyushu, as a solution to stop the decrease of subscribers by a large Osaka newspaper’s entry to Kyushu, and it was also interlocked with a large Japanese newspaper’s entry to Joseon. Also, from the late 1920s, Busan started having the cafe culture as newly-rising bars differentiated from the existing Western food restaurants. In many cases, it was introduced as an object of edification in the diagram of civilization and non-civilization such as institutional insufficiency of labor union for waitresses, thoughtless prostitution, and customers’ bad manners. Nevertheless, the waitresses and businessmen in the western Japan actively entered Busan. And through this process, the modernity and pre-modernity were actively colliding and negotiating, which was led to the transformation of cafe culture in Busan as a colonized city.


Ⅰ. 들어가며-‘월경’하는 서일본 지역신문
Ⅱ. 『관문매석신문』의 조선 <지역판>
Ⅲ. 1920년대-1930년대 부산의 카페 문화
Ⅳ. 식민 해역도시 부산의 ‘여급’ 표상
Ⅴ. 나오며


  • 임상민 LIM, sangmin. 동의대학교 일본어학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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