


임진왜란 중 정문부와 윤탁연의 갈등 양상 연구


A Study on the Conflict Patterns between Jeong, Mun-bu and Yun, Tak- yeon during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



During the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, Jeong Mun-bu played the role of Byeongmapyeongsa and a chief of the voluntary military. Jeong Mun-bu, a low-ranking official, was appointed to the rank of chief of the voluntary military and took high-ranking officials to fight against the Japanese army. In an urgent situation where the government forces collapsed, the righteous army rose up and carried out a triple battle against the band of traitors, the Japanese army, and the northern orangkai. Yoon Tak-yeon became a governor of Hamgyeong Province while on duty to serve as a escort for the Prince Imhaegun, and established a defense plan for Hamgyeong Province, secured a major transportation route, and closely contacted the King's temporary quarters, and managed the public sentiment of Hamgyeong Province. He also tried to save the captive princes and lost his eldest son in the process. The situation in Hamgyeong Province, where the government forces stepped down, led to the incitement and tyranny of the Japanese army, which occupied most of Hamgyeong Province, and a group of traitors who sympathized with it, forcing the people to sympathize with the anti-government groups. The traitors handed over a group of evacuated princes to the Japanese army and ruled the area with government posts granted by the Japanese army. As a result, the majority of the people were forced to serve the Japanese army. Jeong Mun-bu removed the traitors and defeated the Japanese army, and actively punished those who served the Japanese army, and spared those who were forced to serve the Japanese army for a living. The active behavior of a chief of the voluntary military could have been a concern of the a governor of Hamgyeong Province. The governor of Hamgyeong Province, who was supposed to take over the military authority of Hamgyeong Province, did not meet the conditions, and the Byeongmapyeongsa who lost the war became a chief of the voluntary military and devoted himself to reclaiming the land where the Japanese army were taken away and saving the people suffering from the tyranny of traitors. In this process, a conflict was formed between the Jeong, Mun-bu and Yoon Tak-yeon. As the cause of the conflict, First, the formation of a command system for the righteous army by a low-ranking official in the event of war, Second, the failure to seize military power of an governor of Hamgyeong, the highest military commander in Hamgyeong Province, Third, the lack of communication and cooperation between the government forces and the righteous army was a problem. The confrontation between government forces and medical officers could have led to a serious situation, but their conflict did not spread and left a great victory over Japanese troops in Hamgyeong Province. Judging from the background of their overcoming of the uncomfortable situation, it seems to be the result of expressing the feelings of patriotic loyalty for the nation and its people rather than personal understanding.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 임진왜란 전개와 함경도 상황
Ⅲ. 정문부와 윤탁연의 행적과 갈등 상황
1. 정문부와 윤탁연의 행적과 갈등 양상
2. 갈등 원인과 대응
Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 김재천 KIM, Jaecheon. 부경대학교 대학원 사학과 박사과정생


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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