

특집–동아시아 문화의 전개와 발전



A Study on the Ancient Silla culture that permeates the nomination of “Tsuno(角)” in the Northeast Asian waters reflected in the Iwami(石見) Songs by Kakinomotono-Hitomaro


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



 It is known that Hitomaro's Iwami (present-day western Shimane Prefecture) Somon Songs (135) depicts the seaside of “Tsuno(角)” and the place name of “Kara Saki(a cape of Korea))”. In other words, it can be naturally read that the existence of Karasaki(Cape on the sea towards Korean Peninsula(岬)), which was directed toward ancient Silla, is clearly reflected in this “Tsuno(角)” land. Therefore, in this paper, I would like to argue that this ancient Silla culture took the Tsushima Current and flowed to the Sea of Japan in Northeast Asia through the islands off the coast and the “Tsunoshima” of Munakata(宗像), and spread. First, there is the god of YatsukanoMizuomiTsunonomikoto(八束水臣津野命) in “Izumo Fudoki”, which is related to the place name of “Tsuno" created along the flow of the Tsushima Current In short, this god is a god with the myth that he pulled the surplus land of Silla with a net, and it is incorporated in the family tree of Susanoo-no-Mikoto, and the god name related to “Tsuno". It is known to be “TsunonoMikoto”(津野命).  So, if you enumerate the examples of the main god names(or personal names) that are closely related to “Tsuno", "Tsunokori" and “Ishikori Dome” are from Silla to the prince "Amenohiboko". It has become clear that the story is based on the culture of iron smelting engineers brought about by “Amenohiboko”. Next, in “Kamono Taketsunomi”, “Ajisukitakahikone”, which was handed down along with “Munakata" along “Tsunoshima", is the blacksmithing culture of Silla. It turns out that there is. In particular, in the anecdote of Mandanomuraji-Koromonoko(茨田連衫子), a descendant of “Kushitsunowakenomiko”櫛角別王) it is known that the civil engineering technique from Silla and the shrine maiden's Shinsen magical faith by Silla shown by the gourd are recorded. There is no time to enumerate.  If you try to illustrate the influence of the ancient Silla culture surrounding these “Tsuno” with Hitomaro's phrase, the first thing that comes out is the place name of “Sono(薗)” at Tsuno beach(角の浜) (No. 135). It is known that the god of Silla “Soshimori” is expressed there. The second is the Makurakotoba “Takunawano(栲紲之Vol. 2-217)”. In this makurakotoba, traces of being pulled by a thick line(a rope 綱) and firmly tied as if to symbolize the culture of ancient Silla are witnessed. Furthermore, it can be said that the notation “Takubusuma Silla”(15-3587), which is the dispatched Silla envoy, is conspicuous, but it is said that the “a rope(綱)” in the above-mentioned Fudoki myth has pulled the land culture of Silla. It can be seen that the mythical narrative overlap each other and the Silla culture is expressed in concentration.  As mentioned above, when considering each God's name(or, person's name) related to the “Tsuno” with the place names of “Tsuno” and “Kara-Saki(a cape of Korea)” in the Hitomaro song in mind, the he place names of the “Tsuno sea area”(角の海域) is Sanin(山陰) It is known that many of the advanced Silla's civil engineering techniques and religious culture, including the bronze and ironware of ancient Silla that were passed down to Iwami, were imported.


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 人麻呂の石見相聞に於ける‘角’と「辛の崎」
Ⅲ. 須佐之男命の家系の「角」と関連する八束水臣津野命
Ⅳ. 都怒我阿羅斯等が齎した新羅文化
Ⅴ. 宗像を通って来た新羅文化の影響下の「角島」
Ⅵ. 結論


  • 高龍煥 고용환. 慶南情報大學校日本語学科教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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