

건물 에너지 정보 시각화를 위한 객체지향 물리적 모델링과 BIM 활용기법 개발


Building Performance Visualization using Object-Oriented Physical Modeling and BIM

정운성, 김민구

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study demonstrates the development of thermal performance visualization to support design decision making in the early design stage. The objective of this study is to provide the thermal performance results from the building performance simulation tool using Object-Oriented Physical Modeling (OOPM) into Building Information Modeling (BIM). The suggested method allows stakeholders to enable use the BIM tool as a common user interface to visualize the building performance simulation results. To implement the method, 1) a specific BIM tool and its Application Programming Interface (API), and 2) a building performance simulator of OOPM, Modelica Buildings library. Also, an external database is adopted to maintain the building performance simulation results from an OOPM tool. To demonstrate the research method, a prototype called the thermal energy performance visualization (TEPV) is created, which translates the simulation results stored in the external database into the specific parameter in the BIM tool. TEPV enables the thermal energy performance results to be visualized by color-coding building components in the BIM models. The thermal energy performance visualization using TEPV facilitates that stakeholders explicitly inspect the simulation results at the early design stages.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
2. OOPM-BEPS을 활용한 건물성능분석 정보시각화 플랫폼 개발
2.1 기존 건물에너지 성능분석 시뮬레이션
2.2 OOPM-BEPS과 BIM 모델의 필요성
2.3 OOPM-BEPS기반 건물성능분석 정보 시각화 플랫폼 개요
2.4 OOPM-BEPS기반 건물성능분석 정보 시각화 플랫폼 개발 방법
2.5 시각화 플랫폼 구현
3. 검증
3.1 TEPV 적용
4. 결론


  • 정운성 Jeong, Woon-Seong. 충북대학교 건축공학과 조교수, 건축학박사
  • 김민구 Kim, Min-Koo. 충북대학교 건축공학과 조교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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