


간호ㆍ간병통합서비스병동 입원환자의 간호요구도 및 간호서비스에 대한 만족도 조사


A Survey on Nursing Care Requirement and Nursing Service Satisfaction of Inpatients of Comprehensive Nursing Care Service Wards

오선희, 이선옥

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is a descriptive correlation research to identify nursing care requirement and nursing service satisfaction of inpatients of comprehensive nursing care service wards. Data collection was conducted from November 22, 2016 to January 5, 2017. The data of a total of 132 patients were finally analyzed using SPSS V. 21.0. There were statistically significant differences in the need for additional staff (F=13.20, p=.026) and statistically significant differences in nursing service satisfaction in the intent to revisit (F=5.58, p=.001), the intent to recommend the wards (F=5.56, p=.001), existing diseases (F=2.91, p=.024), the most satisfying factor with the use of the wards (F=2.84, p=.018) and satisfaction with the services provided during hospitalization (F=14.52, p<.001). Nursing care requirement was an average of 3.98±0.52 out of 5 points and Service satisfaction of the subjects was an average of 4.27±0.54 out of 5 points. Nursing service satisfaction had a positive correlation with nursing care requirement (r=.43. p<.001). Therefore, these results are important data for complementing and expanding thr comprehensive nursing service system to improve satisfied with nursing service and opportunity to improve the quality of medical care.


本研究是为了确认看护·护理综合服务病房住院患者的看护要求以及看护服务满意度,并了解两者间的相关 关系而进行的描述性调查研究。为此,2016年11月22日至2017年1月5日期间,面向位于B市一家中小型医院 的132名看护·护理综合服务病房住院患者进行了自填式问卷调查,并利用SPSS 21.0程序进行了分析。分析结 果显示,鉴于看护·护理综合服务病房的不同使用特性,看护要求方面和追加必要人员最佳必要人力(F=13.20, p=.026)之间呈现值得关注的相关性;而在看护服务满意度差异上,与再次利用(F=5.58, p=.001)、病房推荐 (F=5.56, p=.001)、其他健康问题(F=2.91, p=.024)、病房满意因素(F=2.84, p=.018)、住院期间提供的服务满 意度(F=14.52, p=<.001)等方面都呈现出一定的差异。另外,应答者的看护要求平均分数为3.98±0.52 (五分 为满分),看护服务满意度平均分数为4.27±0.54(五分为满分)。总之,应答者的看护要求和看护服务满意 度(r=.33, p<.001)之间呈现出一定的正相关关系。期待本研究成果能够持续推动看护·护理综合服务制度发展, 为这一制度早日落地提供参考资料。


Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성
2. 연구목적
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구 설계
2. 연구 대상 및 자료수집
3. 연구 도구
4. 자료 분석
Ⅲ. 연구결과
1. 대상자의 일반적 특성과 이에 따른 간호요구도와 간호서비스 만족도의 차이
2. 대상자의 간호·간병통합서비스병동 이용과 관련된 특성과 이에 따른 간호요구도와 간호서비스 만족도의 차이
3. 대상자의 간호요구도와 간호서비스 만족도 정도
4. 대상자의 간호요구도와 간호서비스 만족도 간의 상관관계
Ⅳ. 논의
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 오선희 Sun Hee Oh. 정관일신기독병원 간호부
  • 이선옥 Sun Ok Lee. 신라대학교 간호학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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