This study attempted to investigate the influence of preferred fashion images on hair color/brightness. For this, a survey was performed among young women in their 20s living in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Wonju, Gangwon-do from May 10 to June 10, 2020. A total of 202 responses were used for the final analysis. The collected data was analyzed by t-test, χ2 (chi-square), multivariate analysis, Duncan’s post-hoc test, and regression analysis, using SPSS WIN 21.0, and the results found the followings: The respondents preferred natural/active fashion images. In terms of fashion images and hair color preferences, a romantic elegant fashion image revealed statistically significant differences in ash gray, matte, yellow, orange, red, violet, and blue colors(p<0.05). In addition, classic modern, mannish, and ethnic fashion images revealed a difference in preference to average images(p<0.01). Furthermore, according to an analysis of economic situations (monthly allowance) and preference in fashion images, mannish/ethnic fashion images revealed a statistically significant difference in average preference(p<0.05). Concerning preference for hair brightness by fashion image, modern/mannish fashion images revealed a statistically significant influence on preferences for dark brown(p<0.001). Furthermore, it was ‘natural fashion image’ only that had a statistically significant effect (p<0.01) on preferences for bright brown color. Moreover, modern, ethnic, romantic and elegance fashion images have affected preferences to yellowish-brown color with statistical significance(p<0.001). This study has found that romantic, modern, and elegant fashion images have an influence on preferences for bright yellowish-brown color (p<0.001) while ethnic and active fashion images revealed a statistically significant effect on preferences for very bright blonde colors(p<0.01).
本研究调查20多女性的时装造型偏好度,并分析偏好的时装造型对头发颜色和亮度产生的影响,得出如下结 论。为了了解时装造型对头发亮度的影响,通过因素分析,把时装造型因素划分为经典摩登时装、动感自然 时装、中性民族风时装、优雅浪漫时装。通过分散分析时装造型和头发颜色之间的关系以及考察不同头发颜 色偏好度对时装造型的影响,发现只有动感自然时装没有对头发亮度产生影响。优雅浪漫时装中浅灰色系 列、哑光系列、黄色系列、橙色系列、红色系列、紫色系列、蓝色系列在平均偏好度上呈现出差异(p<0.0 5),而经典摩登时装和中性民族风时装的不同系列也在平均偏好度上呈现出差异(p<0.01)。另外,通过分散 分析时装造型和经济状况(每月零花钱)之间的关系以及考察每月零花钱金额的不同对时装造型偏好度的影 响,中性民族风时装在时装偏好度上呈现出差异(p<0.05)。此外,对通过因素分析划分的时装造型因素进行 了阶段性回归分析。分析结果显示,在统计层面摩登时装、中性时装对深褐色亮度偏好度产生较为明显的影 响(p<0.001),而且是对深褐色影响(93%可信度)较大的变量。只有自然时装,在统计层面对亮褐色亮度偏 好度产生较为明显的影响(p<0.01),而且作为影响亮褐色的变量,其可信度百分比为41%。另外,摩登时 装、民族风时装、浪漫时装、优雅时装对黄褐色亮度偏好度产生较为明显的影响(p<0.001)。具体来说,浪漫 时装、摩登时装、优雅时装对亮黄褐色亮度偏好度产生影响(p<0.001),民族风时装和动感时装则对亮金色亮 度产生影响(p<0.01)。
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구문제
2. 연구대상 및 기간
3. 측정도구
4. 자료분석방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 고찰
1. 연구대상
2. 패션 이미지 선호도
3. 여학생의 패션 이미지 요인
4. 패션 이미지와 헤어컬러 관계분석
5. 패션 이미지와 경제상황(월 용돈) 관계분석
6. 패션 이미지가 헤어 명도에 미치는 영향
Ⅴ. 결론