A Study of an Insurance Contract for Others and Third Party Corresponding
In case of insurance for the third party, ‘third party’ does not only mean beneficiary, but also means those who can derive insurant benefit from the insurance contract. Usually, those insurants have the right to claim insurance benefit. However, the insurant benefit hasn’t been generally acknowledged in precedents in accordance with insurance contract. The party him/herself is the only person who can derive contractual insurant benefit. Therefore, ‘the third party’ is the only one who is beneficiary of insurance designated by the policyholder in ‘insurance contract for the third party’. According to the commercial law, policyholders can change the beneficiary of insurance since they reserve the rights to designate or change the beneficiary. As such, an insurance beneficiary acquires insurance claim without any particular declaration. As mentioned above, a person’s life or body can not be measured monetarily with an insurance contract. Therefore, one can become a beneficiary of insurnace even though he or she doesn not have any blood relationship with the policyholder or the insurant. This applies the same way to those who don’t share concerns in any kinds of receivables or debts. An insurnace contract for others (Lebensversicheung für fremde Rechnung) is a type of an insurance which policyholder and insurer signed for others to become the beneficiary of insurance, not themselves. In other words, the subject of the beneficiary of insurance is usually a policyholder’s close aqquaintence or consanguinity such as their paprents, spouse, and children. For example, a mother signs an insurance contract for her son to become the beneficiary of insurance. If the insruant accidently passes away due to an insured accident, the insurance contract for the third party then promotes economic stability of the dependent of the contract. It is for the purpose to protect the benefit of the ones who have special ties or relationship with the policyholder. There are two types of ‘insurance for the third party’. The first is ‘one’s own insurance for the third party’, which policyholder and insurant are the same person, but the beneficiaries of insurance are not. The other is ‘insurance for the third party’, which insurant and the beneficiary of insurance are not the same person as the policyholder. In the second case, there are also two different types. One is the situation where policyholder and insurant are two different persons, but the insurant and the beneficiary of insurance are the same person. In the other case, the policyholder, the insurant, and the beneficiary of insurance are all different persons. However, commercial law doesn’t regualte whether or not to accept such insurance which the policyholder is not separately designated as a type of ‘insurance for the third party’. Since it is rational to sign an insurance contract for onself, not for the others, it is appropriate to understand that the policyholder signed a contract of ‘insurance for oneself’, not ‘insurance for the third party’ in this case.
타인을 위한 보험계약은 근본적으로 보험금을 수취할 권리가 있는 자를 의미하는 것이 아닌 보험계약상의 피보험이익을 취할 수 있는 멸 실 또는 감가를 의미한다. 타인을 위한 보험계약에서 ‘타인’이란 보험 계약자가 지정하는 보험수익자를 의미한다. 상법 상 보험계약자는 보 험수익자 변경권을 유보함으로써 보험수익자를 언제든지 변경할 수 있 고, 이에 따라 보험수익자는 별다른 수익의 의사표시 없이도 보험금청 구권을 취득한다. 그러나 현대사회에서 거래관계가 복잡·다양화됨에 따라 계약체결의 편의를 위하여 타인을 위한 보험계약은 現보험형태 로 자리매김해왔다. 타인을 위한 보험계약의 보험수익자는 보험계약관 계자 등과 별다른 이해관계가 없는 제3자가 될 수도 있지만 대게 보 험계약관계자와 혈연관계나 특별한 이해관계를 가진 자가 보험수익자 가 된다. 민법상 제3자를 위한 계약의 보상관계에 있어 낙약자가 제3자에 대 하여 직접적인 급부의무를 부담함에 따라 제3자가 낙약자에 대하여 직접적인 청구권을 갖도록 하는 약정부분은 엄격하면서 복잡하다. 타 인을 위한 보험계약상 대가관계에 있어서 특별히 살펴보아야 할 점, 보험계약자가 무상으로 보험수익자를 지정한 경우 해당 대가관계를 사 인처분, 생전처분 여부 등이다. 타인을 위한 보험계약의 대가관계를 보험계약자가 보험료지급이라는 출연을 통해 발생하는 보험금청구권을 무상으로 보험수익자에게 제공하는 경제적 실질관계 등을 고려한 법적 검토를 살펴보고자 한다.
Ⅱ. 타인을 위한 보험계약 상 제3자의 해당 가능 여부
Ⅲ. 타인을 위한 보험계약 상 제3자의 해당 가능 여부 쟁점
Ⅳ. 결론