

Design and Development of Sprinkler Control System Utilizing Mobile with IoT



We studied on the design of a sprinkler control system that communicates with the administrator's mobile through a wireless communication network and a sprinkler unit that sprays water on the vegetation area. This sprinkler control system consists of a communication module that receives an operation signal for the operation of the sprinkler unit from the administrator's mobile, and a control module that controls the sprinkler unit according to the operation signal received through the communication module. It is also designed to control sprinkler units by measuring temperature, humidity, light intensities, vibration and field images in the vegetation area in real time through sensors and camera for each of them and comparing them with established limit criteria. The sprinkler allows the administrator to control the sprinkler more easily because the administrator operates the sprinkler through the mobile from a distance, and emergency situations occur and can respond quickly.


1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1 Hardware Design
2.2 Software Design
3. Testing of the proposed system
4. Conclusion


  • Tae-Sun Kang Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Honam University, Korea
  • Sang-Hyun Lee Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Honam University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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